Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 3 June 2014

White Holes of Black Money ?

Astrophysicists say , even light cannot escape a black hole

Closer at home in India , even the most stringent laws have not stopped the Indians from siphoning out their undeclared income to secret bank accounts in 40 odd Tax-Haven nations - the White Holes of Black Money  !

Depending upon your source , the amount varies from Rs 25 lakh Crores to Rs 90 lakh Crores

The exact / actual amount is itself , irrelevant

What matters is :

*  In those foreign banks , there are lakhs of " Secret / Password-protected " bank accounts , belonging to Indians

*   Those countries are refusing to divulge these accounts to Indian Government, under some or other International Law / Convention

*   India has no extra-judicial influence over these countries to force them

*   Economies of these countries do not depend upon trade with India

     These economies depend upon those secret accounts  !

Of late , some people have suggested passing yet another law to declare all such black monies, illegally stashed abroad , as " National Property "

Sure  !  Can be passed in BJP controlled Lok Sabha in 4 hours  !

Like all previous laws , that won't make any difference 

In the meantime , let SIT debate and deliberate and dither , for ever  !

No harm in persevering , even as those Rs 90 lakh Crores become Rs 900 lakh Crores  !

Do our Politicians /  Babus /  Janata , realize that the only persons who can - and will - bring back those black monies , are those account holders  ?

Do we realize that human greed is cleverer than those laws  ?

Do we understand that no one wants to pay increasing amount of Income Tax , with each higher slab  ?

Do we appreciate that our present taxation system ( of higher tax rates , with rising income ) , prevents people from declaring all of their incomes ?

Why work harder to earn higher income , only to hand over that income to government - who will distribute it , by way of salaries to the bureaucracy ?

Do we know that our present Tax Regime penalizes honest tax payers and discourages wealth - creation  ?

Do we understand that this Tax Regime , diverts funds into unproductive assets ( eg: Land / Gold etc ) - funds , which are badly needed for nation-building  ?

Will  Mr Arun Jaitly  have courage to implement following  ?


    Where one pays DECREASING , incremental  tax , with each higher slab of
    income. This will encourage full declaration of all income and remove
    incentive to hide income . People will insist upon receiving all payments
    by cheques .

    " Reverse  Hawaala " system ( converting black money to white
    money ) will , soon eliminate parallel economy  !


    Where no questions will be asked as to the source of declared black
    money , if that money is invested in Government-Approved Infrastructure
    SPVs . Dividends / interests from such investments will be free from
    Income Tax for 15 years . Infrastructure should also include , Education,
    Health-care , Sanitation etc

Dear  Narendrabhai ,

Applying this ( mildly  " Out -of - Box " ) thinking , you can raise Rs 1000
 Lakh Crores , and build those 100 Mega-Cities and create those 100 million

*   hemen   parekh   (   04 June 2014 / Mumbai  )


Make    Yourself    Heard

Dear Visitor :

It is time for YOU to speak up - and demand that YOU are heard

By emailing this suggestion - incorporating your OWN improvements - to the following Policy Makers

(  Just multiple copy all the following Email IDs into the Recipient column of your Outlook and Copy / paste this suggestion in the Message Box ) :

    narendramodi1234@gmail.com; 38ashokroad@gmail.com;ajaitley@del5.vsnl.net.in; jayant.sinha19@sansad.nic.in;piyush.goyal@gov.in;nitin.gadkari@nic.in; spprabhu1@rediffmail.com;bandaru@sansad.nic.in;smritizirani@nic.in;nsitharaman@nic.in; ravis@sansad.nic.in;sureshprabhu@irctc.co.in;prakash.j@sansad.nic.in;secy-ipp@nic.in; amitabh.kant@nic.in; shaktikanta.das@nic.in; rsecy@nic.in; adhia1981@gmail.com; ceo-niti@nic.in; atul-chaturvedi@nic.in; uma.bharati@sansad.nic.in; d.pradhan@sansad.nic.in; rprudy.office@gmail.com; rudypr@rediffmail.com; eam@mea.gov.in; mosvks@mea.gov.in; mvnaidu@sansad.nic.in; mnaqvi@sansad.nic.in; rao.inderjit@sansad.nic.in; mljoffice@gov.in; sadananda.gowda@sansad.nic.in; ministerminority@gov.in; najmah@sansad.nic.in; minister-ca@nic.in; ramvilas.paswan@sansad.nic.in; gandhim@sansad.nic.in; akumar-alpha@sansad.nic.in; jpnadda@sansad.nic.in; hm.moca@nic.in; geete@sansad.nic.in; simratbadal@yahoo.com; ns.tomar@nic.in; rmsingh@sansad.nic.in; tc.gehlot@sansad.nic.in; dr.harshvardhan@sansad.nic.in   


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